How to exercise at home? Quick and Easy Workout Moves for the Whole Squad! 

Do you get tired of doing the same at-home workouts? Or are you determined to lose weight after a year of COVID-induced weight gain? If you’re ready to return to work but are hesitant to go back to the gym, an efficient and simple at-home workout is quite achievable. Welcoming the new year is a great sign to start achieving our fitness goals!  

Between your couch and your coffee table, we’ve prepared a set of complicated strength and cardio movements that can help you get shredded. 

Even if getting out for a jog or a bike ride is no longer an option, grabbing a few minutes for an at-home workout may be a secret weapon in any season. With minimum equipment and a little know-how, you can work up a sweat and build muscle with simple workouts. Want an easy at-home workout that works while also keeping you entertained? These high-intensity moves are not only great for at-home workouts, but they’re also a lot of fun.  

We’ve put together a quick at-home workout consisting of 15 strength and aerobic routines that can be completed in less than 30 minutes in your living room. These exercises may be done at home to tone your weak points, get your blood flowing and heart beating, and allow you to watch (at least in principle) your children while doing so. Continue to string together the following in any sequence you like. 

Easy Workout Moves to Build Core Strength at Home 

  1. Sit-Up. The design is simple but effective. Start with at least 20 times and as you go along, challenge yourself to do up to 50 times. To obtain the effectiveness, don’t tuck your feet beneath a chair or table for support. 
  1. Crunches. With a smooth action, lower your hips to the floor. As you gently and neatly return your hips to the floor, inhale. Maintain a 90-degree bend in your knees. Counting up to three sets of 20 counts should be enough. 
  1. Bicycles Lie on your back with your feet in the air and mimic the motion of pedaling a bike. To properly do it, place your hands behind your head. Do this action for a minute. 
  1. Planks are by far the doubt the most effective workout for toning your entire body. Rest your elbows and toes on your elbows and toes to keep your back and legs straight. 

Lower-Body At-Home Workout Moves 

  1. Squats. Straight back, slightly turned out feet. Reduce the height of your seat to knee level. Make two sets of ten. Try doing this with your child being carried on your back for an extra challenge. 
  1. Lunges. Starting by having to stand with your feet in a straight line. With your right leg, take a long stride forward and land on your toes while your knees are bent. Allow your rear knee to fall to the ground while swinging your left arm forward to maintain balance. To get back to standing, push off your right front foot. On each side, do two sets of ten. 
  1. Squat Jumps. A simple formula of combining squat and jump. Go into a squat position while tucking your arms behind your back. Spring off the floor and straighten your legs in the air, then return to a squat. Advanced version: Add a half-twist to your push-off into a jump so you land facing the opposite direction. Make two sets of ten. 
  1. High Knees. Run in place with your knees aiming to be as high as you can. Do this routine for at least a minute. 
  1. Calf Raises. Face a wall and place your palms against it for support and balance. Back down after rising to your toes. Rep 20 times more. If you have a kid, you can make it a workout and a bonding time with your child as well! Make your kid get on your back for added weight. 

Upper-Body Workout Moves To Easily Do at Home 

  1. Push-Ups. Doing 20 of this can be easy. For greater resistance, let your child sit on your buttocks. 
  1. Dips. Sit in a comfortable chair with your hands on the front edge of the seat. Push your butt forward to the point where your arms are supporting your weight and your butt is hanging in front of the seat. Drop your hips to the ground and bend your elbows. Straighten. Do a second set of ten dips at a time. 
  1. Deadlifts. Two gallon-size water bottles, dumbbells, or a gear bag full of shoes are all good options for this revised method of the gym classic, but you’ll need something heavy and low to the ground to do this workout. Sit with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of you, with your back straight and your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight as you bend down and grab the heavy object on the ground in front of you. Return to an upright direction with your back to the wall. Begin by lowering yourself and then re-elevating yourself. Do this 20 times. 

Cardio-Boosting Exercises To Try at Home 

  1. Jumping Jacks are done to raise your heart rate. Simply raise your hands above your head each time and make it clap for added rhythm. Continue doing this cardio for at least a minute. 
  1. Burpees. Transitioning from a plank to a jump with your hands in the air as quickly as possible will make a perfect drill. Start with ten, and work your way up as you continuously perform it daily. 

Safety Considerations For Prevention of Injury 

Just because someone is at home does not mean they are safe from harm. Among the measures that can be taken to ensure safety are: 

  • Making enough room in the house to roam around freely 
  • Examining the stability of rugs or carpets 
  • On hardwood flooring, wear non-skid shoes. 
  • To boost heart rate and warm muscles, a warm-up for at least 5 minutes with low-impact exercises. 
  • Staying hydrated by taking frequent water breaks 
  • Listening to your body and not exceeding your maximum heart rate 
  • After a workout, stretch the muscles and chill down. 

Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regimen to help alleviate any present symptoms or to help prevent future health problems. 

A person’s fitness program can benefit from cardiovascular activity. A home workout might include numerous activities with varying levels of intensity. You may also read this article from Lumina Homes about easy workout tips for beginners

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