Clean-up Guide for Your New Home: Tips for a Welcoming House

Although moving into a new house is wonderful, there are a number of difficulties involved. There are so many things to do before moving in, and cleaning the house is one of them. So, here’s a guide that can help you maintain your new home and turn it into a house that can welcome you warmly:

Make sure to clean every corner of the bedroom.

It’s advisable to start cleaning immediately because you have a lot to accomplish. Here are some things you should clean:

  • The floor. Vacuum or sweep the floor, then mop it with warm water and dish soap. Rinse well, then dry with towels or a microfiber cloth.
  • The walls. Wipe down all surfaces with warm water and vinegar, then wipe them again with rubbing alcohol on a sponge or rag–this will help kill germs without leaving any residue behind (and smells better than bleach). If there are stains that won’t come off by just wiping them down at this point in time, consider painting over them instead! You can always repaint later if necessary when the time comes for another overhaul of your home decorating scheme anyway, so don’t worry about getting creative here. Just cleaning up, however, seems most practical at first glance; remember: less is more!
  • The ceiling, along with other items like ceiling fan blades, lights, and chandelier, these items need extra attention too because they’re often overlooked during regular maintenance routines but play an important role in keeping dust from settling onto surfaces below. So make sure not only do they look clean but feel clean too, before moving on to other rooms around the house.

Make your kitchen neat and tidy.

When you’re moving into a new home, it’s important to take care of your kitchen first. It is a sensitive space in the house because it will be used for cooking and eating meals.

Clean all surfaces, appliances, and cabinets: make sure that every inch of your kitchen has been cleaned before you start putting things away. If there are any stains on counters or cabinets (from food or otherwise), make sure they’ve been removed so that they don’t transfer onto other surfaces when you wipe them down later on in this process.

Remove all food from the refrigerator and pantry: Remove anything from inside your refrigerator and pantry. You want everything cleared out so nothing gets spoiled during this process!

Disinfect the bathroom and toilet.

To disinfect your bathroom and toilet, be sure to spray down all areas where mold or mildew might be growing, including:

  • Toilet bowl
  • Shower and bathtub (including walls)
  • Sink (including faucet handles)

Make sure that you let everything dry completely before using the toilet again!

Refinish floors and wall

Once you have moved in, it’s time to get your house looking like a home. Especially if the home you purchase is bare-type, you would want to put a stamp on the place and make it your own by painting walls and floors. But before you start painting, there are some things you need to know:

  • Use only good quality floor polish on your floors – this will protect them from moisture damage and make them easier to clean later on in life.
  • Use only good quality wall polish on your walls – this will protect them from moisture damage and make them easier for people with allergies or asthma problems (like children) so they can breathe easily when they live there too!

If you’re unsure about what kind of products are best suited for each job, then ask an expert at your local DIY store who will be able to recommend appropriate products based on their experience.

Clean appliances before moving-in

When you move into a new house, it’s important to clean the appliances before using them.

  • Clean the fridge and oven: Before putting food in your refrigerator, run an empty dishwasher cycle without any soap. This will sanitize the interior of your appliance so no germs or bacteria can grow on its surfaces while they’re being prepped for use by you.
  • You may have items that are already used, like an air conditioner from your previous house. Make sure that the filter is clean. Or if you will still have your old sofa, ensure that you seek a professional to deep clean it.
  • Wash dishes and clean sink: Cleaning up after yourself is critical when moving into a new home! If possible, try to wash all dishes immediately after using them. 


Keep unwanted pests away! It’s important to keep the space clean and tidy. Following these tips will help you prevent them from entering:

  • Keep food in airtight containers. If you use plastic bags, make sure they’re sealed tightly so bugs can’t get inside them. Also, be sure to store food in the fridge or freezer whenever possible–this will keep it fresh longer and prevent pests from getting into it. If you do have any leftovers that won’t fit in your refrigerator, freeze them instead of leaving them out where they could attract insects or rodents!
  • Clean up spills immediately so they don’t attract pests like ants or cockroaches. Dirty dishes should never be left sitting around; wash them immediately after use so they don’t fill up with moldy food particles that will eventually lead to an infestation if left unattended.
  • Throw garbage immediately and do proper recycling.

Cleaning garage and patios

Remove all clutter from your garage, including tools and equipment, old furniture, and boxes of stuff in need of organization.

Wash down the floor with a garden hose or power washer. If possible, use some type of cleaner that contains bleach as well if there is oil or grease on the floor surface – this will help prevent stains from forming again later on when moisture gets trapped underneath them! After washing down with water, make sure everything dries completely before putting anything back into storage areas so they don’t get wet again when you do put them back inside later on.

Set up your own garden.

Design a garden. A beautiful, well-tended garden is the perfect way to personalize your home and make it feel like yours. You can plant flowers, trees, and shrubs; vegetables; herbs; fruits; ornamental plants; grasses–the possibilities are endless!

So, there you have it! The best tips for cleaning your new home. If you follow this guide, then you can surely embrace your home and be confident that it will be clean and ready for all the fun and exciting things you want to do in it.

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