Fun and Simple Exercises For Kids To Do At Home

I’m a big believer in the importance of physical activity. As a busy parent, I know it can be hard to find time for your children to get active, but it’s important for them to stay healthy and strong. These simple exercises are easy enough for even the youngest kids and will help them develop good habits that will last their whole lives!


Cycling is a great way for kids to get exercise, and it’s easy to do anywhere. You can cycle on the road or on a bike path, but make sure you wear a helmet and wear bright clothing so that cars can see you.

If you reside in a Lumina Homes community, there are open areas in the amenity area where you can safely bike around with your kids.

Skipping Rope

Skipping rope is a great way to get your heart rate up, and it’s also fun! You can skip rope indoors or outside. If you’re doing it indoors, make sure there’s enough space for the person skipping the rope to be able to swing their arms around freely. It will be a nice bonding game with your kids, and you’ll definitely feel young again. 


Running is a great way to get active and stay healthy. It’s a cardiovascular exercise that helps improve circulation, burn calories, reduce stress, and improve bone health.

Running also improves mental health by lowering stress levels, reducing depression symptoms, and increasing self-esteem. Running can also help build muscle strength and endurance in children with cerebral palsy or other motor disorders by strengthening their muscles through the repetition of certain movements over time.



Jogging is a great way to get exercise. You can start with a short jog and then increase the distance over time, or you can just keep jogging for as long as you want. Jogging is good for your heart and lungs, so it’s important that you warm up before you begin jogging by walking briskly or doing some stretches. Jogging also helps with weight loss because it burns calories quickly!

Balancing on One Foot

To balance on one foot, you will need to keep the other foot on the ground and not let your body sway. Do not put your hands out in front of you to balance yourself or hold onto anything for support. Just keep your eyes on the horizon and focus on keeping your balance as long as possible! When your kids aced balancing on one foot, why not draw hopscotch to add more fun?


  • Stretching is a great way to promote flexibility, mobility, and range of motion. Stretches can help improve your child’s posture.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are an excellent way to raise your heart rate and are simple enough for children to perform. You can do jumping jacks anywhere.

To start out with this exercise, stand with feet together and hands at the sides (or on hips). Jump from left foot onto right foot, then back again; repeat rapidly until you have completed a set number of repetitions (usually about 20).

Dancing to Music

Dancing is a great way to get your kids moving and active. There are many benefits of dancing, including:

  • It can help improve their coordination.
  • It’s fun! No one wants to do something they don’t enjoy doing, or that doesn’t interest them. Dancing is an activity that children love because it makes them feel good about themselves, so they’ll want to do it more often than not.
  • Dancing can be done at any age or ability level–from toddlers clapping their hands together in time with music all the way up to teenagers who have been taking dance lessons. Who knows, you might also discover a Bruno Mars-like talent in your child, right?

Follow the Leader

Follow the Leader is a simple game that can be played by children of any age. The leader will do a series of movements, and then the other players have to copy those movements as closely as possible.

For example, you could start by doing jumping jacks while your child watches you carefully. Then they’ll try to do the same thing–but don’t worry if they’re not perfect! You could also play Follow The Leader with more complex movements like ballet steps or breakdancing moves.

You can even make up your own rules for Follow The Leader if none of these sounds fun enough for your kids: maybe instead of copying each other exactly every time round, everyone has their own turn being a leader! If everyone does this at once, then everyone gets an equal amount of attention from both sides.

Crab Walk

The Crab Walk is a fun exercise that can be done anywhere. It’s great for strengthening your child’s core, back, and shoulders while also improving their balance and coordination.

To perform the crab walk, get down on all fours with your hands just under your shoulders and your knees bent at 90 degrees. Then lean forward until only one foot is touching the ground (the other should be raised behind you) before walking in this position around the room or backyard!

To make this exercise more challenging for older kids, try having them crab walk backward instead of forwards so they have to use their arms for balance rather than just leaning into them when walking forward, as most people do naturally when moving around in an upright position!


Yoga is a great way to stretch and relax. Yoga can be done by anyone, even kids! Yoga is a great way to relieve stress, especially if you’re having trouble sleeping at night. You can do yoga anywhere and at any time of day–even while waiting in line at the grocery store!

Yoga involves stretching and breathing exercises which help improve flexibility as well as reduce stress levels by calming down your mind so that it works more efficiently during activities such as sports or academics.

Family Games

If you have to try something new other than the above-stated exercises, don’t hesitate to try different family games like:

  • Sack race
  • Fill a balloon with air and make them have a goal of not letting it fall or touch the ground. 
  • Step No Game

Physical activity is important, even for kids, and these are easy ways to do it.

Physical activity is important for kids, even if they’re not athletes. It’s good for their bodies and minds. These exercises are easy to do at home or in your backyard, or at the clubhouse or playground of your subdivision community.

We hope you enjoyed these simple exercises for kids to do at home. As we mentioned earlier, they are a great way to get your child active while bonding as a family!

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